Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Tell us what you think!!!

I know there are some Rmllw2llz fans out there who peep the updates, the statutes and the new releases that are made by Mr 2llz himself on a regular basis on various social media outlets.  I wanna know what you think about the new stuff.
Have you listened to him on the Tia Maria Show, we're in week 3 of co- hosting now. Any comments about anything they've talked about? Me, I liked the #TrippinInTheVille segment and am anxious to hear who's tripping next week. Do you know someone #TrippinInTheVille tweet then let them know @rmllmzk @thetiamariashow @ebonystyle If you missed Mondays show you can always go to the Tia Maria Show Facebook page and see what you missed!
Did you hear the Premiere of the newest single Hold The Ice on Mondays show? Have you seen the video? What do you think? Are you straight like hold the ice?
So now that you've listened to the radio show and watched the video, did you get your download? Its only a buck and available on the new and improved site. Notice the updates? Kinda snazzy hu? 

Let us know what you think about the radio show, video and new look to the site. You can tweet me @mrs2lls or go straight to the star himself @rmllw2llz. We really want to know what you think about it all, I want to know what you think about the blog, what do you want to see more of? Shout us out!!